Invite a Foreign Family/Immigration Assistance, Tokyo

Family VISA Work VISA VISA Process Status List Inquiry Office Japanese   入管 Nyukan

TOP > Procedures > Invite a Foreigner for Short Stay

Invite a Foreign Family / Employee for Short Stay

Status of Residence for Short Stay

Japanese Immigration law defines "Status of Residence". A foreigner needs to fulfill requirements of at least one of the "Status of Residence". Under the status of "Temporary Visitor"「短期滞在」, a foreign national is allowed to stay in Japan for short period.

VISA requirement and exemption

A foreign national who wish to come to Japan is required to have a valid VISA on his/her passport. He/she needs to apply for his/her VISA at Embassy/Consulate of Japan where he/she lives before entering to Japan.

Japan has mutual visa exemption agreements with many countries and regions. If your passport is issued by the country or region in the list, you are exempt from obtaining a Temporary Visitor VISA.

"Certificate of Eligibility" cannot be issued for Short Stay

"Certificate of Eligibility" for a Status of Residence system is NOT applicable for "Temporary Visitor". Therefore a foreigner will apply for his/her VISA without "Certificate of Eligibility".

But it is good idea for a family or an employer in Japan to prepare some documents such as an invitation letter, itinerary, etc in advance for a visa application.

Immigration Assistance

As a registered immigration/visa specialist or "Gyoseishoshi", we can offer various services related to immigration procedures.

Services we can offer are

Consultation - to find out Status of Residence/Procedures that may best suit you and/or your family member, etc.
Documentation - to prepare and/or advice the documents you need to submit to the Immigration Bureau
Representation/Agency - to submit the documents and communicate with the Immigration Bureau on your behalf

and so forth.

Please let us know your situation. Inquiry Form(Family).

Office Outline

Immigration assistance office

- Extension/Renewal
- Change Status
- Invite a Foreigner
 [Certificate of Eligibility]
- Short Stay Visit

Immigration VISA assistance in Tokyo

Do you have any problem with your visa or immigration procedures? "Gyoseishoshi" or Administrative Scrivener is a registered specialist in documentation and we specialize in the field of immigration process.
We have been officially notified to Tokyo Regional Immigration Services Bureau to act as an agent (GYO-07 No.337) and are ready to assist you.
If you are seeking for any professional assistance, please contact us Inquiry.
8-7 Ishijima, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Japanese VISA "Status of Residence" - Working VISA - Family VISA - Immigration Assistance Gyoseishoshi Tokyo Japan
東京都 足立区 荒川区 板橋区 江戸川区 大田区 葛飾区 北区 江東区 品川区 渋谷区 新宿区 杉並区 墨田区 世田谷区 台東区 中央区 千代田区 豊島区 中野区 練馬区 文京区 港区 目黒区

Apostille 外務省 ビザ・査証 法務省 出入国在留管理庁 総務省 東京都行政書士会 行政書士会連合会