TOP > LIST of "Status of Residence" > "Student"
"Student" or "ryugaku" in Japanese is one of "Status of Residence" defined by Japanese immigration law.
Persons qualified for "Student"
- college student
- senior high school student
Spouse and Children
- a spouse of a person who is qualified for "Student"
- a child of a person who is qualified for "Student"
will be qualified for the status "Dependent".
Note that this status was translated into "College Student" and students at higher education were targeted before the 2012 revision.
List of "Status of Residence" |
Table I (1) |
Diplomat Official Professor Artist Religious Activities Journalist |
Table I (2) | Highly Skilled Professional Business Manager Legal/Accounting Services Medical Services Researcher Instructor Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services Intracompany Transferee Nursing Care Entertainer Skilled Labor Specified Skilled Worker Technical Intern Training |
Table I (3) | Cultural Activities Temporary Visitor |
Table I (4) | Student Trainee Dependent |
Table I (5) | Designated Activities |
Table II | Permanent Resident Spouse or Child of Japanese national Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident Long Term Resident |
Special Permanent Resident | Special Permanent Resident |
Followings are extracted from the web site of Japanese government. However, some of them might be old and different from the present rule. Please use at your own risk.
Activities to receive an education at a university, technical college, senior high school (including the second semester course at a school for secondary education), senior high school course of a special-needs school, junior high school (including the second semester course at a compulsory education school and the first semester course of at a school for secondary education) or a junior high school course of a special-needs school, elementary school (including the first semester course at a compulsory education school) or an elementary school course of a special-needs school, advanced vocational school, miscellaneous school or an equivalent educational institution in terms of facilities and organization in Japan.
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法律第六十三号 改正)版で条文再確認
(i) the applicant falls under any of the following categories:
一 申請人が次のいずれかに該当していること。
(a) the applicant is to enter and study at a university or an equivalent educational institution, a specialized course of study at an advanced vocational school, at an educational institution for preparing persons who have completed 12 years of education at a school in a foreign county to enter a university, or at a technical college (excluding cases in which the applicant is to exclusively study at a night school or through education by correspondence);
イ 申請人が本邦の大学若しくはこれに準ずる機関、専修学校の専門課程、外国において十二年の学校教育を修了した者に対して本邦の大学に入学するための教育を行う機関又は高等専門学校に入学して教育を受けること(専ら夜間通学して又は通信により教育を受ける場合を除く。)。
(b) the applicant enters a university in Japan and exclusively studies in a night school course offered by a graduate school which holds classes at the university at night (limited to cases in which the university has an adequate system to manage the attendance of foreign nationals who study at the graduate school and to comply with the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (1) of the Act);
ロ 申請人が本邦の大学に入学して、当該大学の夜間において授業を行う大学院の研究科(当該大学が当該研究科において教育を受ける外国人の出席状況及び法第十九条第一項の規定の遵守状況を十分に管理する体制を整備している場合に限る。)において専ら夜間通学して教育を受けること。
(c) the applicant studies at a Japanese senior high school (excluding evening courses but including the second semester course at a school for secondary education; hereinafter the same applies in this section), the senior high school course of a special-needs school, junior high school (including the second semester course at a compulsory education school and the first semester course at a school for secondary education; hereinafter the same applies in this section) or a junior high school course of a special-needs school, elementary school (including the first semester course at a compulsory education school; hereinafter the same applies in this section) or an elementary school course of a special-needs school, a general or advanced course at an advanced vocational school or a miscellaneous school or an equivalent educational institution in terms of facilities and organization (excluding cases in which the applicant exclusively studies at a night school or through education by correspondence);
ハ 申請人が本邦の高等学校(定時制を除き、中等教育学校の後期課程を含む。以下この項において同じ。)若しくは特別支援学校の高等部、中学校(義務教育学校の後期課程及び中等教育学校の前期課程を含む。以下この項において同じ。)若しくは特別支援学校の中学部、小学校(義務教育学校の前期課程を含む。以下この項において同じ。)若しくは特別支援学校の小学部、専修学校の高等課程若しくは一般課程又は各種学校若しくは設備及び編制に関してこれに準ずる教育機関に入学して教育を受けること(専ら夜間通学して又は通信により教育を受ける場合を除く。)。
(ii) the applicant has sufficient assets, scholarships, or other means to pay the expenses necessary for day life while in Japan; provided, however, that this does not apply to cases in which a person other than the applicant pays the applicant's living expenses;
二 申請人がその本邦に在留する期間中の生活に要する費用を支弁する十分な資産、奨学金その他の手段を有すること。ただし、申請人以外の者が申請人の生活費用を支弁する場合は、この限りでない。
(iii) if the applicant is to exclusively attend courses as a research student or an audit student to receive education, the applicant falls under item (i), sub-item (a) or (b), admitted to the school based on an entrant selection by the educational institution, and audits at least 10 hours of classes a week at the educational institution;
三 申請人が専ら聴講による教育を受ける研究生又は聴講生として教育を受ける場合は、第一号イ又はロに該当し、当該教育を受ける教育機関が行う入学選考に基づいて入学の許可を受け、かつ、当該教育機関において一週間につき十時間以上聴講をすること。
(iv) if the applicant seeks to study at a senior high school, the applicant is 20 years of age or younger, and has received Japanese language education or education in the Japanese language for one year or more at the educational institution; provided, however, that this does not apply if the applicant seeks to study through being accepted as a student based on a student exchange plan or based on other equivalent international exchange plan formulated by an organization of the Japanese national or local government, an incorporated administrative agency, incorporated national university, educational corporation, public interest incorporated association, or public interest incorporated foundation;
四 申請人が高等学校において教育を受けようとする場合は、年齢が二十歳以下であり、かつ、教育機関において一年以上の日本語の教育又は日本語による教育を受けていること。ただし、我が国の国若しくは地方公共団体の機関、独立行政法人、国立大学法人、学校法人、公益社団法人又は公益財団法人の策定した学生交換計画その他これに準ずる国際交流計画に基づき生徒として受け入れられて教育を受けようとする場合は、この限りでない。
(iv)-2 if the applicant seeks to study at a junior high school, junior high school course or an elementary school course of a special-needs school, the applicant falls under all of the following requirements; provided, however, that if the applicant seeks to study through being accepted as a student or pupil based on a student exchange plan or other equivalent international exchange plan formulated by an organization of the Japanese national or local government, incorporated administrative agency, incorporated national university, educational corporation, public interest incorporated association, or public interest incorporated foundation, the applicant is not required to fall under the requirements of (a) and (b):
四の二 申請人が中学校若しくは特別支援学校の中学部又は小学校若しくは特別支援学校の小学部において教育を受けようとする場合は、次のいずれにも該当していること。ただし、我が国の国若しくは地方公共団体の機関、独立行政法人、国立大学法人、学校法人、公益社団法人又は公益財団法人の策定した学生交換計画その他これに準ずる国際交流計画に基づき生徒又は児童として受け入れられて教育を受けようとする場合は、イ及びロに該当することを要しない。
(a) if the applicant seeks to study at a junior high school, the applicant is 17 years of age or younger;
イ 申請人が中学校において教育を受けようとする場合は、年齢が十七歳以下であること。
(b) if the applicant seeks to study at an elementary school, the applicant is 14 years of age or younger;
ロ 申請人が小学校において教育を受けようとする場合は、年齢が十四歳以下であること。
(c) there is a person in Japan who is a guardian for the applicant;
ハ 本邦において申請人を監護する者がいること。
(d) the educational institution in which the applicant seeks to study has a full-time employee who is in charge of assisting the daily life of foreign students or pupils;
ニ 申請人が教育を受けようとする教育機関に外国人生徒又は児童の生活の指導を担当する常勤の職員が置かれていること。
(e) a dormitory where there is a full-time employee assigned or other accommodation facilities where the applicant is able to engage in daily living without any hindrance are secured;
ホ 常駐の職員が置かれている寄宿舎その他の申請人が日常生活を支障なく営むことができる宿泊施設が確保されていること。
(v) if the applicant seeks to study at an advanced vocational school or miscellaneous school (excluding those who seeks to exclusively study the Japanese language), the applicant falls under both of the following requirements; provided, however, that if the applicant is to engage in activities of receiving education in an educational institution which has been established for the purpose of providing primary or secondary education in a foreign language by having a considerable number of foreign nationals from abroad enter the institution, the applicant is not required to fulfill the requirement in (a):
五 申請人が専修学校又は各種学校において教育を受けようとする場合(専ら日本語の教育を受けようとする場合を除く。)は、次のいずれにも該当していること。ただし、申請人が外国から相当数の外国人を入学させて初等教育又は中等教育を外国語により施すことを目的として設立された教育機関において教育を受ける活動に従事する場合は、イに該当することを要しない。
(a) the applicant has studied the Japanese language for at least 6 months at a education institution that conducts Japanese language education (hereinafter referred to as "Japanese language education institution") specified by the Minister of Justice in public notice, by hearing the opinion of the Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, has proven through an examination that they have the ability to understand the Japanese language well enough to pursue a course of study at an advanced vocational school or miscellaneous school , or has studied for at least 1 year at any of the schools (excluding kindergartens) provided for in Article 1 of the School Education Act;
イ 申請人が外国人に対する日本語教育を行う教育機関(以下「日本語教育機関」という。)で法務大臣が文部科学大臣の意見を聴いて告示をもって定めるものにおいて六か月以上の日本語の教育を受けた者、専修学校若しくは各種学校において教育を受けるに足りる日本語能力を試験により証明された者又は学校教育法第一条に規定する学校(幼稚園を除く。)において一年以上の教育を受けた者であること。
(b) the educational institution where the applicant seeks to study has a full-time employee who assists the daily life of foreign students.
ロ 申請人が教育を受けようとする教育機関に外国人学生の生活の指導を担当する常勤の職員が置かれていること。
(vi) if the applicant is to exclusively study the Japanese language at an advanced vocational school, miscellaneous school or an equivalent educational institution in terms of facilities and organization, the school is a Japanese language institution specified by the Minister of Justice in public notice, by hearing the opinion of the Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Technology.
六 申請人が専修学校、各種学校又は設備及び編制に関して各種学校に準ずる教育機関において専ら日本語の教育を受けようとする場合は、当該教育機関が法務大臣が文部科学大臣の意見を聴いて告示をもって定める日本語教育機関であること。
(vii) if the applicant is to study at an educational institution that specializes in preparing persons who have completed 12 years of education at a school in a foreign country to enter a Japanese university, the educational institution is an institution specified by the Minister of Justice in public notice by hearing the opinion of the Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Technology;
七 申請人が外国において十二年の学校教育を修了した者に対して本邦の大学に入学するための教育を行う機関において教育を受けようとする場合は、当該機関が法務大臣が文部科学大臣の意見を聴いて告示をもって定めるものであること。
(viii) if the applicant seeks to study at an educational institution equivalent to a miscellaneous school in terms of facilities and organization (excluding cases of seeking to exclusively study the Japanese language), the educational institution is an institution specified by the Minister of Justice in public notice.
八 申請人が設備及び編制に関して各種学校に準ずる教育機関において教育を受けようとする場合(専ら日本語の教育を受けようとする場合を除く。)は、当該教育機関が法務大臣が告示をもって定めるものであること。
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(平成三十一年法務省令第七号 改正)版で条文再確認
一 留学の項の下欄の四のイ及び就学の項の下欄の四のイの規定による日本語教育機関は、別表第一、別表第二、別表第三及び別表第五のとおりとする。
二 留学の項の下欄の五の規定による日本語教育機関は、別表第一のとおりとする。
三 留学の項の下欄の六の規定による教育機関は、別表第三及び別表第四のとおりとする。
四 就学の項の下欄の五の規定による教育機関は、別表第六のとおりとする。
五 就学の項の下欄の六の規定による日本語教育機関は、別表第二のとおりとする。
4 years and three months, 4 years, 3 years and three months, 3 years, 2 years and three months, 2 years, 1 year and three months, 1 year, 6 months, or 3 months
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法務省令第二十九号 改正)版で条文再確認
(i) Copy of the letter of acceptance issued by the institution where the foreign national seeks to receive education;
一 教育を受けようとする機関の入学許可書の写し
(ii) document proving the foreign national's ability to pay all the expenses during their stay in Japan, and if a person other than the foreign national is to pay the expenses, a document proving the person's ability to pay the expenses and a document stating the circumstances that led to the person to pay the expenses;
二 在留中の一切の経費の支弁能力を証する文書、当該外国人以外の者が経費を支弁する場合には、その者の支弁能力を証する文書及びその者が支弁するに至つた経緯を明らかにする文書
(iii) in cases where the applicant seeks to receive education as a research student or audit student, a document from the organization proving the content of the research or the subjects, and the number of hours;
三 申請人が研究生又は聴講生として教育を受けようとする場合には、当該機関からの研究内容又は科目及び時間数を証する文書
(iv) in cases where the applicant is to engage in the activities (except for the activities of entering an elementary school (including the first semester course at a compulsory education school; hereinafter the same applies in this section) or an elementary school course of a special-needs school in Japan, and receiving education) that fall under item (i), sub-item (c) of the right-hand column of the section of the activities listed in the right-hand column corresponding to "Student" specified in the Appended Table I (4) of the Ministerial Order on Criteria (hereinafter referred to as "'Student' specified in the Ministerial Order on Criteria"), a certificate of graduation and a document proving the foreign national's personal history;
四 申請人が基準省令の表の法別表第一の四の表の留学の項の下欄に掲げる活動の項(以下「基準省令の留学の項」という。)の下欄第一号ハに該当する活動(本邦の小学校(義務教育学校の前期課程を含む。以下この項において同じ。)若しくは特別支援学校の小学部に入学して教育を受ける活動を除く。)を行う場合は、卒業証明書及び経歴を明らかにする文書
(v) in cases where the applicant seeks to receive education at a junior high school (including the second semester course at a compulsory education school and the first semester course at a school for secondary education) or a junior high school course of a special-needs school, elementary school or an elementary school course of a special-needs school, materials demonstrating the overview of the place of accommodation where the applicant is to lead their daily life.
五 申請人が中学校(義務教育学校の後期課程及び中等教育学校の前期課程を含む。)若しくは特別支援学校の中学部又は小学校若しくは特別支援学校の小学部において教育を受けようとする場合は、当該申請人が日常生活を営むこととなる宿泊施設の概要を明らかにする資料
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法務省令第二十九号 改正)版で条文再確認
(i) Certificate of enrollment and academic transcript issued by the organization where the applicant receives education (if the applicant is engaging in activities of receiving education at a senior high school or a senior high school course of a special-needs school, a general or advanced course at an advanced vocational school, miscellaneous school or an equivalent educational institution in terms of facilities and organization, academic transcript stating the attendance status; if the applicant is engaging in activities of receiving education at a junior high school (including the second semester course at a compulsory education school or the first semester course at a school for secondary education; hereinafter the same shall apply in this section) or a junior high school course or elementary school (including the first semester course at a compulsory education school; hereinafter the same applies in this section) of a special-needs school, or an elementary school course of a special-needs school, a document proving the attendance status);
一 教育を受けている機関からの在学証明書及び成績証明書(申請人が高等学校若しくは特別支援学校の高等部、専修学校の高等課程若しくは一般課程又は各種学校若しくは設備及び編成に関してこれに準ずる教育機関において教育を受ける活動を行つている場合にあつては出席状況を記載した成績証明書、申請人が中学校(義務教育学校の後期課程及び中等教育学校の前期課程を含む。以下この項において同じ。)若しくは特別支援学校の中学部又は小学校(義務教育学校の前期課程を含む。以下この項において同じ。)若しくは特別支援学校の小学部において教育を受ける活動を行つている場合にあつては出席状況を証する文書)
(ii) Document proving the foreign national's ability to pay all the expenses during their stay in Japan and in the case where a person other than the foreign national pays the expenses, a document proving the person's ability to pay the expenses;
二 在留中の一切の経費の支弁能力を証する文書、当該外国人以外の者が経費を支弁する場合には、その者の支弁能力を証する文書
(iii) If the applicant is engaging in activities of receiving education at a junior high school or a junior high school course of a special-needs school, elementary school or an elementary school course of a special-needs school, materials demonstrating the overview of the place of accommodation where the applicant is to lead their daily life.
三 申請人が中学校若しくは特別支援学校の中学部又は小学校若しくは特別支援学校の小学部において教育を受ける活動を行つている場合には、当該申請人が日常生活を営む宿泊施設の概要を明らかにする資料
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法務省令第二十九号 改正)版で条文再確認
(i) Staff member of the institution in Japan where the person themselves is to receive education;
一 本人が教育を受ける本邦の機関の職員
(ii) The following persons in cases where the person themselves is to engage in the activities that fall under item (i), sub-item (a) or (b) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Student" specified in the Ministerial Order on Criteria:
二 本人が基準省令の留学の項の下欄第一号イ又はロに該当する活動を行う場合は、次に掲げる者
a. Staff member of the organization granting a scholarship to the person themselves or of other organizations that is to pay their school expenses or living expenses;
ア 本人に対して奨学金を支給する機関その他の本人の学費又は滞在費を支弁する機関の職員
b. A person who is to pay the school expenses or living expenses for the person themselves;
イ 本人の学費又は滞在費を支弁する者
c. Relative of the person themselves residing in Japan
ウ 本邦に居住する本人の親族
(iii) The following persons in cases where the person themselves is to engage in the activities listed in item (i) (c) of the right-hand column of the "Student" specified in the Ministerial Order on Criteria:
三 本人が基準省令の留学の項の下欄第一号ハに該当する活動を行う場合は、次に掲げる者
a. Staff member of the organization that formulated the student exchange plan when the person themselves is an exchange student;
ア 本人が交換学生である場合における学生交換計画を策定した機関の職員
b. Relative of the person themselves who resides in Japan when the person themselves seeks to receive education at a senior high school (including the second semester course of the secondary educational school), a junior high school (including the second semester course of study at a compulsory education school or the first semester course of secondary educational school) or a junior high school course of a special-needs school, elementary school (including the first semester course at a compulsory education school) or an elementary school course of a special-needs school;
イ 本人が高等学校(中等教育学校の後期課程を含む。)、中学校(義務教育学校の後期課程及び中等教育学校の前期課程を含む。)若しくは特別支援学校の中学部又は小学校(義務教育学校の前期課程を含む。)若しくは特別支援学校の小学部において教育を受けようとする場合にあつては本邦に居住する本人の親族
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法務省令第二十九号 改正)版で条文再確認
Highly skilled professional visa |
Highly Skilled Professional 「高度専門職」 |
General visa |
Cultural Activities 「文化活動」 Student 「留学」 Trainee 「研修」 Dependent 「家族滞在」 |
Specified visa |
Spouse or Child of Japanese national 「日本人の配偶者等」 Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident 「永住者の配偶者等」 Long Term Resident 「定住者」 Designated Activities 「特定活動」 |
Permanent Residency |
Permanent Resident 「永住者」 Special Permanent Resident 「特別永住者」 |
Visiting visa |
Temporary Visitor 「短期滞在」 |
Diplomatic visa |
Diplomat 「外交」 |
Official visa |
Official 「公用」 |