TOP > LIST of "Status of Residence" > "Trainee"
"Trainee" is a status for trainees in a company, a local government, etc., participants in the Industrial Training and Technical Internship Program, etc. in Japan.
List of "Status of Residence" |
Table I (1) |
Diplomat Official Professor Artist Religious Activities Journalist |
Table I (2) | Highly Skilled Professional Business Manager Legal/Accounting Services Medical Services Researcher Instructor Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services Intracompany Transferee Nursing Care Entertainer Skilled Labor Specified Skilled Worker Technical Intern Training |
Table I (3) | Cultural Activities Temporary Visitor |
Table I (4) | Student Trainee Dependent |
Table I (5) | Designated Activities |
Table II | Permanent Resident Spouse or Child of Japanese national Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident Long Term Resident |
Special Permanent Resident | Special Permanent Resident |
Followings are extracted from the web site of Japanese government. However, some of them might be old and different from the present rule. Please use at your own risk.
Activities to acquire skills, etc. by being accepted at a public or a private organization in Japan (except for the activities listed in the right-hand column of "Technical Intern Training" in item (i) in the Appended Table (2) and the right-hand column of the "Student" section in this Table).
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法律第六十三号 改正)版で条文再確認
(i) The skills, technique, or knowledge (hereinafter referred to as "skills, etc." that the applicant seeks to acquire in Japan is not skills, etc. that could be acquired only by the repetition of the same work;
一 申請人が修得しようとする技能、技術又は知識(以下「技能等」という。)が同一の作業の反復のみによって修得できるものではないこと。
(ii) the applicant is at least 18 years of age and is expected to engage in services that require the skills, etc. acquired in Japan after returning to the country of which the applicant holds nationality or has an address;
二 申請人が十八歳以上であり、かつ、国籍又は住所を有する国に帰国後本邦において修得した技能等を要する業務に従事することが予定されていること。
(iii) the applicant seeks to acquire skills, etc. that are impossible or difficult to acquire in the region where the applicant possesses an address;
三 申請人が住所を有する地域において修得することが不可能又は困難である技能等を修得しようとすること。
(iv) the training that the applicant seeks to undergo is conducted under the guidance of a person who is a full-time employee of a public or private organization in Japan (hereinafter referred to as the "receiving organization") that accepts trainees and has at least 5 years of experience in the skills, etc. that the applicant seeks to acquire (hereinafter referred to as "training instructor");
四 申請人が受けようとする研修が研修生を受け入れる本邦の公私の機関(以下「受入れ機関」という。)の常勤の職員で修得しようとする技能等について五年以上の経験を有するもの(以下「研修指導」という。)の指導の下に行われること。
(v) if practical training (meaning training (including training to acquire skills, etc. by engaging in the business of manufacturing or sales of goods or the business of providing services in return for compensation (for business of manufacturing goods, practical training pertaining to the operation of manufacturing equipment (excluding training conducted in a place separated beforehand or at a time different from the time goods are manufactured)); hereinafter the same applies in item (viii)) is included in the training which the applicant seeks to undergo in Japan, the following requirements are to be fulfilled:
五 申請人が本邦において受けようとする研修の中に実務研修(商品の生産若しくは販売をする業務又は対価を得て役務の提供を行う業務に従事することにより技能等を修得する研修(商品の生産をする業務に係るものにあっては、生産機器の操作に係る実習(商品を生産する場所とあらかじめ区分された場所又は商品を生産する時間とあらかじめ区分された時間において行われるものを除く。)を含む。)をいう。第八号において同じ。)が含まれている場合は、次のいずれかに該当していること。
(a) cases in which the applicant is to undergo training directly conducted by an organization of the national or local government or an incorporated administrative agency of Japan;
イ 申請人が、我が国の国若しくは地方公共団体の機関又は独立行政法人が自ら実施する研修を受ける場合
(b) cases in which the applicant is to undergo training conducted as a project of the Japan National Tourism Organization;
ロ 申請人が独立行政法人国際観光振興機構の事業として行われる研修を受ける場合
(c) cases in which the applicant is to undergo training conducted as a project of the Japan International Cooperation Agency;
ハ 申請人が独立行政法人国際協力機構の事業として行われる研修を受ける場合
(d) cases in which the applicant is to undergo training conducted as a project of the Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation;
ニ 申請人が独立行政法人石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構石油開発技術センターの事業として行われる研修を受ける場合
(e) cases in which the applicant is to undergo training conducted as a project of an international organization;
ホ 申請人が国際機関の事業として行われる研修を受ける場合
(f) in addition to the cases given in sub-item (a) through (d), cases in which the applicant is to undergo training conducted as a project mainly operated through the funds of Japan's national government, local government, corporation directly established through a Japanese law or corporation established by a special act of establishment pursuant to the provisions of a special law, or incorporated administrative agency, and the receiving organization falls under all of the following requirements:
へ イからニに掲げるもののほか、申請人が我が国の国、地方公共団体又は我が国の法律により直接に設立された法人若しくは我が国の特別の法律により特別の設立行為をもって設立された法人若しくは独立行政法人の資金により主として運営される事業として行われる研修を受ける場合で受入れ機関が次のいずれにも該当するとき。
1. accommodation facilities for the trainees are secured (including cases in which the organization that makes arrangements for the training the applicant seeks to undergo (hereinafter referred to as "referral organization" in this item and the following item) has secured the accommodation facilities);
(1) 研修生用の宿泊施設を確保していること(申請人が受けようとする研修の実施についてあっせんを行う機関(以下この号及び次号において「あっせん機関」という。)が宿泊施設を確保していることを含む。)。
2. training facilities for the trainees are secured;
(2) 研修生用の研修施設を確保していること。
3. the training organization has an employee in charge of providing guidance on daily life to the applicants;
(3) 申請人の生活の指導を担当する職員を置いていること。
4. measures of taking out insurance (excluding worker's accident compensation insurance) and taking other safeguard measures are put in place in cases of death, injury or illness of applicants during the training (including cases in which the referral organization has taken the safeguard measures);
(4) 申請人が研修中に死亡し、負傷し、又は疾病に罹患した場合における保険(労働者災害補償保険を除く。)への加入その他の保障措置を講じていること(あっせん機関が当該保障措置を講じていることを含む。)。
5. the training facilities have put in place measures which are equivalent to the measures necessary for safety and health provided in the Industrial Safety and Health Act (Act No. 57 of 1972).
(5) 研修施設について労働安全衛生法(昭和四十七年法律第五十七号)の規定する安全衛生上必要な措置に準じた措置を講じていること。
(g) if the applicant is a full-time employee of a foreign national or local government or of an organization equivalent thereof, and the receiving organization falls under all of the requirements of sub-item (f), (1) through (5);
ト 申請人が外国の国若しくは地方公共団体又はこれらに準ずる機関の常勤の職員である場合で受入れ機関がへの(1)から(5)までのいずれにも該当するとき。
(h) when the applicant is to undergo training conducted through assistance and guidance from the Japanese government based on the nomination by a foreign national government or local government, and falls under all of the following requirements:
チ 申請人が外国の国又は地方公共団体の指名に基づき、我が国の国の援助及び指導を受けて行う研修を受ける場合で次のいずれにも該当するとき。
1. the applicant engages in business that broadly spreads the skills, etc. in the region of the foreign country where the applicant possesses an address;
(1) 申請人が外国の住所を有する地域において技能等を広く普及する業務に従事していること。
2. the receiving organization falls under all of the requirements of sub-item (f), (1) through (5).
(2) 受入れ機関がへの(1)から(5)までのいずれにも該当すること。
(vi) the receiving organization or the referral organization has secured the return travel expenses and has taken other safeguard measures for returning home, for applicants;
六 受入れ機関又はあっせん機関が研修生の帰国旅費の確保その他の帰国担保措置を講じていること。
(vii) it has been established that the receiving organization prepares documents pertaining to the implementation status of the training, keeps them at the business office where the training is conducted, and preserves them for at least one year from the date the training ended;
七 受入れ機関が研修の実施状況に係る文書を作成し、研修を実施する事業所に備え付け、当該研修の終了の日から一年以上保存することとされていること。
(viii) if practical training is included in the training which the applicant seeks to undergo in Japan, the number of hours of practical training (if two or more receiving organizations are to conduct practical training for the applicant, the total number of hours of practical training conducted by those organizations) is under two-thirds of the total number of hours of training to be undertaken in Japan; provided, however, that this does not apply if the applicant falls under any of the following cases and the number of hours of practical training is under three-quarters of the total number of hours of training to be undertaken in Japan or if the applicant falls under all of the following cases and the number of hours of practical training is under four-fifths of the total number of hours of training to be undertaken in Japan:
八 申請人が本邦において受けようとする研修の中に実務研修が含まれている場合は、当該実務研修を受ける時間(二以上の受入れ機関が申請人に対して実務研修を実施する場合にあっては、これらの機関が実施する実務研修を受ける時間を合計した時間)が、本邦において研修を受ける時間全体の三分の二以下であること。ただし、申請人が、次のいずれかに該当し、かつ、実務研修の時間が本邦において研修を受ける時間全体の四分の三以下であるとき又は次のいずれにも該当し、かつ、実務研修の時間が本邦において研修を受ける時間全体の五分の四以下であるときは、この限りでない。
(a) cases in which it is expected that the applicant will take part in the practical training pertaining to the application in Japan for more than four months;
イ 申請人が、本邦において当該申請に係る実務研修を四月以上行うことが予定されている場合
(b) cases in which the applicant has undergone training (excluding practical training) which was conducted by a foreign public organization or an educational institution for the purpose of contributing to the training which the applicant seeks to undergo in Japan, in the last 6 months, and the training was for a period of more than one month and for a course of more than 160 hours (limited to those which the receiving organization has confirmed that the content of the training was of an equivalent level or higher level than the training in Japan).
ロ 申請人が、過去六月以内に外国の公的機関又は教育機関が申請人の本邦において受けようとする研修に資する目的で本邦外において実施した当該研修と直接に関係のある研修(実務研修を除く。)で、一月以上の期間を有し、かつ、百六十時間以上の課程を有するもの(受入れ機関においてその内容が本邦における研修と同等以上であることを確認したものに限る。)を受けた場合
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(平成三十一年法務省令第七号 改正)版で条文再確認
1 year, 6 months, or 3 months
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法務省令第二十九号 改正)版で条文再確認
(i) Training course plan demonstrating the content, necessity, place of implementation, and period of the training and the treatment of the trainees;
一 研修の内容、必要性、実施場所、期間及び待遇を明らかにする研修計画書
(ii) document proving that the foreign national will engage in a business requiring the technique, skills and knowledge acquired in Japan after returning to their country;
二 帰国後本邦において修得した技術、技能及び知識を要する業務に従事することを証する文書
(iii) document proving the foreign national's work history;
三 職歴を証する文書
(iv) document proving the work history of the staff member who will provide instructions prescribed in item (iv) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Trainee" specified in the Appended Table I (4) of the Act of the table set forth in the Ministerial Order on Criteria (hereinafter referred to as "'Trainee' specified in the Ministerial Order on Criteria") pertaining to the skills, etc. which the foreign national seeks to acquire through the training;
四 基準省令の表の法別表第一の四の表の研修の項(以下「基準省令の研修の項」という。)の下欄第四号に規定する指導を行う職員の当該研修において修得しようとする技能等に係る職歴を証する文書
(v) materials demonstrating the overview of the sending organization (meaning the organization of affiliation of the country where the applicant has a nationality or address, or any other foreign organization involved in the preparations for the activities which the applicant seeks to conduct in Japan);
五 送出し機関(申請人が国籍又は住所を有する国の所属機関その他申請人が本邦において行おうとする活動の準備に関与する外国の機関をいう。)の概要を明らかにする資料
(vi) certificate of registered matters and a copy of the profit and loss statement of the receiving organization provided for in item (iv) of the right-hand column corresponding to "Trainee" of the Ministerial Order on Criteria.
六 基準省令の研修の項の下欄第四号に規定する受入れ機関の登記事項証明書及び損益計算書の写し
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法務省令第二十九号 改正)版で条文再確認
Document proving the content, place of implementation, period, status of progress of the training, and treatment of the foreign national.
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法務省令第二十九号 改正)版で条文再確認
Staff member of the receiving organization
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法務省令第二十九号 改正)版で条文再確認
Highly skilled professional visa |
Highly Skilled Professional 「高度専門職」 |
General visa |
Cultural Activities 「文化活動」 Student 「留学」 Trainee 「研修」 Dependent 「家族滞在」 |
Specified visa |
Spouse or Child of Japanese national 「日本人の配偶者等」 Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident 「永住者の配偶者等」 Long Term Resident 「定住者」 Designated Activities 「特定活動」 |
Permanent Residency |
Permanent Resident 「永住者」 Special Permanent Resident 「特別永住者」 |
Visiting visa |
Temporary Visitor 「短期滞在」 |
Diplomatic visa |
Diplomat 「外交」 |
Official visa |
Official 「公用」 |