Instructor = nyukan support Tokyo

Family VISA Work VISA VISA Process Status List Inquiry Office Japanese   Nyukan Assist

TOP > LIST of "Status of Residence" > "Instructor"


"Instructor" or /kyo-i-ku/ in Japanese is one of "Status of Residence" defined by Japanese immigration law.

Activities that can be carried out under the status of residence of "Instructor"

Foreigners staying in Japan with "Instructor" status of residence can conduct activities to educate primary and secondary educational institutions such as elementary school, junior high school, high school, secondary education school.

"Instructor" status of residence is qualification for employment at primary and secondary educational institutions including international schools. On the other hand, when conducting research / educational activities at higher education institutions, "Professor" falls under. The teaching of languages in private companies falls under the category of "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services".

Persons qualified for "Instructor"
- teachers, etc. at elementary schools, intermediate schools and high schools

Period of Stay

"Period of Stay" will be determined among one of the followings.
5-year, 3-year, 1-year or 3-month.

Spouse and Children

Spouse and/or Children of a person who is staying in Japan under the status of "Instructor" will be qualified for the status "Dependent".

List of "Status of Residence"
Table I (1)
Diplomat Official Professor Artist Religious Activities Journalist
Table I (2) Highly Skilled Professional   Business Manager   Legal/Accounting Services   Medical Services   Researcher   Instructor   Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services   Intracompany Transferee   Nursing Care   Entertainer   Skilled Labor   Specified Skilled Worker Technical Intern Training
Table I (3) Cultural Activities Temporary Visitor
Table I (4) Student Trainee Dependent
Table I (5) Designated Activities
Table II Permanent Resident Spouse or Child of Japanese national Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident Long Term Resident
Special Permanent Resident Special Permanent Resident

Immigration Assistance

As a registered immigration/visa specialist or "Gyoseishoshi", we can offer various services related to immigration procedures.

Services we can offer are

Consultation - to find out Status of Residence/Procedures that may best suit you and/or your family member, etc.
Documentation - to prepare and/or advice the documents you need to submit to the Immigration Bureau
Representation/Agency - to submit the documents and communicate with the Immigration Bureau on your behalf

and so forth.

Please let us know your situation. Inquiry Form

Followings are extracted from the web site of Japanese government. However, some of them might be old and different from the present rule. Please use at your own risk.

Authorized Activities (Appended Table I (2), Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act)
本邦において行うことができる活動(出入国管理及び難民認定法 別表第一 二)

Activities to engage in language teaching or other educational activities at an elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, school for secondary education, special-needs school, advanced vocational school, miscellaneous school, or other educational institutions equivalent to a miscellaneous educational institution in facilities and organization in Japan.


日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法律第六十三号 改正)版で条文再確認

Ministerial Order to Provide for Criteria Pursuant to Article 7, Paragraph (1), Item (ii) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act

(i) If the applicant is to engage in education at a miscellaneous school or an equivalent educational institution in terms of facilities and organization, or if the applicant is to engage in education at a school other than those schools in a capacity other than that of a teacher, the applicant is to fall under all of the following requirements; provided, however, that if the applicant is to engage in education at a miscellaneous school or an equivalent educational institution in terms of facilities and organization which has been established to provide primary or secondary education in a foreign language to children who have the status of residence of family member of "Diplomat" or "Official" as listed in the Appended Table I (1) of the Act or "Dependent" as listed in the Appended Table I (4) of the Act, the applicant needs to only fall under requirement (a);

一 申請人が各種学校若しくは設備及び編制に関してこれに準ずる教育機関において教育をする活動に従事する場合又はこれら以外の教育機関において教員以外の職について教育をする活動に従事する場合は、次のいずれにも該当していること。ただし、申請人が各種学校又は設備及び編制に関してこれに準ずる教育機関であって、法別表第一の一の表の外交若しくは公用の在留資格又は四の表の家族滞在の在留資格をもって在留する子女に対して、初等教育又は中等教育を外国語により施すことを目的として設立された教育機関において教育をする活動に従事する場合は、イに該当すること。

(a) The applicant falls under any of the following requirements:

イ 次のいずれかに該当していること。

(1) the applicant has graduated from a university or acquired an education equivalent thereto;

(1) 大学を卒業し、又はこれと同等以上の教育を受けたこと。

(2) the applicant has completed a specialized course of study at an advanced vocational school in Japan (limited to cases that fall under the requirements specified by the Minister of Justice in public notice regarding the completion) majoring in a subject pertaining to the skills and knowledge necessary for teaching the subject;

(2) 行おうとする教育に必要な技術又は知識に係る科目を専攻して本邦の専修学校の専門課程を修了(当該修了に関し法務大臣が告示をもって定める要件に該当する場合に限る。)したこと。

(3) the applicant holds a license on the subject that it seeks to teach.

(3) 行おうとする教育に係る免許を有していること。

(b) When the applicant seeks to teach a foreign language, the applicant has acquired an education in the language for at least 12 years. When the applicant is to teach any other subject, the applicant has at least 5 years of experience teaching that subject at an educational institution;

ロ 外国語の教育をしようとする場合は当該外国語により十二年以上の教育を受けていること、それ以外の科目の教育をしようとする場合は教育機関において当該科目の教育について五年以上従事した実務経験を有していること。

(ii) The applicant is to receive a remuneration equivalent to or greater than that a Japanese national receives for the same work.

二 日本人が従事する場合に受ける報酬と同等額以上の報酬を受けること。

日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(平成三十一年法務省令第七号 改正)版で条文再確認

Period of Stay (Appended Table II (Re. Art. 3))
在留期間(出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則 別表第二 (第三条関係))

5 years, 3 years, 1 year, or 3 months


日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法務省令第二十九号 改正)版で条文再確認

Materials (Appended Table III (Re. Art. 6, 6-2, 20, 21-3 and 24))
資料(出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則 別表第三 (第六条、第六条の二、第二十条、第二十一条の三、第二十四条関係))

(i) Materials demonstrating the overview of the inviting organization;

一 招へい機関の概要を明らかにする資料

(ii) document proving the foreign national's educational background or a copy of a license pertaining to their educational activities;

二 学歴を証する文書又は教育活動に係る免許の写し

(iii) document proving the foreign national's work history;

三 職歴を証する文書

(iv) document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position and remuneration.

四 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書

日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法務省令第二十九号 改正)版で条文再確認

Materials (Appended Table III (6) (Re. Art. 21 and 21-2))
資料(出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則 別表第三の六 (第二十一条、第二十一条の二関係))

(i) Document proving the content and period of the activities and the foreign national's position;

一 活動の内容、期間及び地位を証する文書

(ii) Certificate proving the foreign national's annual income and the amount of tax paid

二 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書

日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法務省令第二十九号 改正)版で条文再確認

Agent (Appended Table IV (Re. Art. 6-2))
代理人(出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則 別表第四 (第六条の二関係))

Member of staff of the institution to which the foreign national is to belong to engage in education


日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法務省令第二十九号 改正)版で条文再確認

Working visa
Professor 「教授」
Artist 「芸術」
Religious Activities 「宗教」
Journalist 「報道」
Business Manager 「経営・管理」
Legal/Accounting Services 「法律・会計業務」
Medical Services 「医療」
Researcher 「研究」
Instructor 「教育」
Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services 「技術・人文知識・国際業務」
Intracompany Transferee 「企業内転勤」
Nursing Care 「介護」
Entertainer 「興行」
Skilled Labor 「技能」

Highly skilled professional visa
Highly Skilled Professional 「高度専門職」

General visa
Cultural Activities 「文化活動」
Student 「留学」
Trainee 「研修」
Dependent 「家族滞在」

Specified visa
Spouse or Child of Japanese national 「日本人の配偶者等」
Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident 「永住者の配偶者等」
Long Term Resident 「定住者」
Designated Activities 「特定活動」

Permanent Residency
Permanent Resident 「永住者」
Special Permanent Resident 「特別永住者」

Visiting visa
Temporary Visitor 「短期滞在」

Diplomatic visa
Diplomat 「外交」

Official visa
Official 「公用」

Japanese VISA "Status of Residence" - Working VISA - Family VISA - Immigration Assistance Gyoseishoshi Tokyo Japan
東京都 足立区 荒川区 板橋区 江戸川区 大田区 葛飾区 北区 江東区 品川区 渋谷区 新宿区 杉並区 墨田区 世田谷区 台東区 中央区 千代田区 豊島区 中野区 練馬区 文京区 港区 目黒区

Apostille 外務省 ビザ・査証 法務省 出入国在留管理庁 総務省 東京都行政書士会 行政書士会連合会