Permanent Resident eiju VISA/Immigration Assistance, Tokyo

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"Permanent Resident"

"Permanent Resident" or /eiju-sha/ in Japanese is one of the "Status of Residence" defined in the Japanese Immigration law.

A person who is holding "Permanet Resident" status can live, work and study without restriction like other status.

"Permanent resident" is a status of residence with no restrictions on employment under the Immigration Regulation, so even if the type of job changes, procedures such as changing the status are not required in principle. You can get any job that is legal in Japan, so you can expand your range of activities in Japan.

Duration of this status is indefinite, that is a person who is granted with this status can stay in Japan permanently unless he/she has any other impediment.

On the other hand, even if you are granted "Permanent Resident", you are still a foreigner (from the perspective of Japan), so the country of issue of your passport will not change. A residence card and re-entry procedures are also required. (Since the residence card has a "validity period", it is necessary to renew it every 7 years.)

The benefits of everyday life are that it increases social credibility and makes it easier for you to get a loan from a financial institution, such as a loan when you buy an apartment, etc.

Requirements by Immigration Regulation (from Immigration Web Page)

1. Legal requirements

(1) The person is of good conduct.
The person observes Japanese laws and his/her daily living as a resident does not invite any social criticism.

(2) The person has sufficient assets or ability to make an independent living.
The person does not financially depend on someone in the society in his daily life, andhis/her assets or ability, etc. are assumed to continue to provide him/her with a stablebase of livelihood into the future.

(3) The person's permanent residence is regarded to be in accord with the interests ofJapan.

a) In principle, the person has stayed in Japan for more than 10 years consecutively. It is also required that during his/her stay in Japan the person has had work permit (with an exception for those with the "Technical Intern Training" and "Specified Skilled Worker (i)" residential status) or the status of residence for more than 5 years consecutively.
b) The person has been never sentenced to a fine or imprisonment. The person adequately fulfills public duties (duties such as the payment of taxes, public pension contribution and public health insurance contribution, as well as notification in accordance with the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act).
c) The maximum period of stay allowed for the person with his/her current status of residence under Annexed Table 2 of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act is to be fully utilized.
d) There is no possibility that the person could do harm from the viewpoint of protection of public health.

※ The requirements (1) and (2) above do not apply to spouses and children of Japanese nationals, special permanent residents or permanent residents, and requirement (2) does not apply for those who have been recognized as refugees

2. Special requirements for 10-year residence in principle

(1) The person is a spouse of a Japanese national, special permanent resident or permanent resident, and has been in a real marital relationship for more than 3 years consecutively and has stayed in Japan more than 1 year consecutively. Or, the person is a true child of a Japanese national, special permanent resident or permanent resident, and has stayed in Japan more than 1 yearconsecutively.

(2) The person has stayed in Japan for more than 5 years consecutively with the status of long term resident.

(3) The person has been recognized as a refugee, and has stayed in Japan for morethan 5 years consecutively after recognition.

(4) The person has been recognized to have made a contribution to Japan in diplomatic, social, economic, cultural or other fields, and has stayed in Japan for more than 5years. ※ Please see “Guidelines for Contribution to Japan.”

(5) The person has continuously stayed in Japan for 3 years or more in cases where such person engaged in the activities coming under any of item (xxxvi) or item (xxxvii) of the public notice (Public Notice No. 131 of 1990) specifying the activities listed in the right hand column of Appended Table I(5) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the same Act at a public or private organization located within the area of the plan specified in the regional revitalization plan approved under Article 5, paragraph (16) of the Regional Revitalization Act (Act No. 24 of 2005), and these activities are deemed to have made a contribution to Japan.

(6) The person has a total score of 70 points or more based on the points calculation criteria prescribed in the Ordinance to Provide for the Criteria in the Right-Hand Column Corresponding to “Highly-Skilled Professionals as Specified in Appended Table I(2) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act” (hereinafter referred to as “Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice”), and comes under one of the following.

a. The person who has continuously stayed in Japan as a “Highly-Skilled foreign Professional” for 3 years or more.
b. The person who has continuously stayed in Japan for 3 years or more, and who is deemed to have a total of 70 points or more when calculating with reference to the situation at 3 years before the date of the application for permission for permanent residence.

(7) The person has a total score of 80 points or more based on the points calculation criteria prescribed in the “Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice” , and comes under one of the following.

a. The person who has continuously stayed in Japan as a “Highly-Skilled foreign Professional” for 1 year or more.
b. The person who has continuously stayed in Japan for 1 year or more, and who is deemed to have a total of 80 points or more when calculating with reference to the situation at 1 year before the date of the application for permission for permanent residence.

(Note 1) In these guidelines, for the time being, any person whose period of stay is “three years” shall be regarded as a “person who is allowed to stay up to the maximum period of stay”, as specified in the above Section 1 (3) c).

(Note 2) The “Highly-Skilled Foreign Professional” in the abovementioned 2 (6) a. is a person staying in Japan, who is deemed to have a score of 70 points or more as a result of the points calculation, and the “Highly-Skilled Foreign Professional” in the abovementioned 2 (7) a. is a person staying in Japan, who is deemed to have a score of 80 points or more as a result of the points calculation.


Guidelines for Permission for Permanent Residence
Guideline for Contribution to Japan

Where to apply

tokyo nyukan

An application can be submitted at an immigration bureau or its branch where an applicant lives.

Tokyo Regional Immigration Services Bureau
(Tokyo Nyukan or Nyukoku-Kanri-Kyoku)
5-5-30 Konan, Minato-Ku, Tokyo

Necessary Documents (in case an applicant is a spouse of Japanese)

Application Form Application Form with a photo
Koseki Tohon Certificate of Family Register ('koseki-tohon')
ju-min-hyo Certificate of Resident Registration ('jumin-hyo')
Tax Certificate Tax Certificate issued by a municipal office
Certificate of Employment Certificate of Employment
if an applicant is employed
Business License Business License
if an applicant runs his/her own business and a license is required
Letter of Guarantee Letter of Guarantee
Letter of Reason Letter of Reason/Riyusho
to explain why you want to be a permanent resident
Passport Passport
Residence Card Residence Card or Alien Registration Card

Necessary documents vary from case to case. These documents are just samples.

List of "Status of Residence"
Table I (1)
Diplomat Official Professor Artist Religious Activities Journalist
Table I (2) Highly Skilled Professional   Business Manager   Legal/Accounting Services   Medical Services   Researcher   Instructor   Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services   Intracompany Transferee   Nursing Care   Entertainer   Skilled Labor   Specified Skilled Worker Technical Intern Training
Table I (3) Cultural Activities Temporary Visitor
Table I (4) Student Trainee Dependent
Table I (5) Designated Activities
Table II Permanent Resident Spouse or Child of Japanese national Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident Long Term Resident
Special Permanent Resident Special Permanent Resident

Immigration Assistance

As a registered immigration/visa specialist or "Gyoseishoshi", we can offer various services related to immigration procedures.

Services we can offer are

Consultation - to find out Status of Residence/Procedures that may best suit you and/or your family member, etc.
Documentation - to prepare and/or advice the documents you need to submit to the Immigration Bureau
Representation/Agency - to submit the documents and communicate with the Immigration Bureau on your behalf

and so forth.

Please let us know your situation. Inquiry Form(Permanent Residency)

Followings are extracted from the web site of Japanese government. However, some of them might be old and different from the present rule. Please use at your own risk.

Personal Status or Position for Which Residence is Authorized (Appended Table II, Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act)
本邦において有する身分又は地位(出入国管理及び難民認定法 別表第二)

Those who are permitted permanent residency by the Minister of Justice


日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法律第六十三号 改正)版で条文再確認


Period of Stay (Appended Table II (Re. Art. 3))
在留期間(出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則 別表第二 (第三条関係))

Indefinite period


日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法務省令第二十九号 改正)版で条文再確認

Materials (Appended Table III (Re. Art. 6, 6-2, 20, 21-3 and 24))
資料(出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則 別表第三 (第六条、第六条の二、第二十条、第二十一条の三、第二十四条関係))

Materials (Appended Table III (6) (Re. Art. 21 and 21-2))
資料(出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則 別表第三の六 (第二十一条、第二十一条の二関係))

Agent (Appended Table IV (Re. Art. 6-2))
代理人(出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則 別表第四 (第六条の二関係))





出入国管理及び難民認定法 Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act

(Permission for Permanent Residence)
第二十二条 在留資格を変更しようとする外国人で永住者の在留資格への変更を希望するものは、法務省令で定める手続により、法務大臣に対し永住許可を申請しなければならない。
Article 22 (1) A foreign national who seeks to change their status of residence to that of "Permanent Resident" must file an application to the Minister of Justice for permission for permanent residence by taking the procedures provided for by Ministry of Justice Order.
2 前項の申請があつた場合には、法務大臣は、その者が次の各号に適合し、かつ、その者の永住が日本国の利益に適合すると認めたときに限り、これを許可することができる。ただし、その者が日本人、永住許可を受けている者又は特別永住者の配偶者又は子である場合においては、次の各号に適合することを要しない。
(2) If an application as set forth in the preceding paragraph has been filed, the Minister of Justice may grant permission only if the Minister finds that the foreign national conforms to the following items and that their permanent residence conforms to the interests of Japan; provided, however, that in the case of spouses or children of Japanese nationals of residents with permanent residence status or of special permanent resident, they do not need to conform to the following items:
一 素行が善良であること。
(i) the foreign national's behavior is good; and
二 独立の生計を営むに足りる資産又は技能を有すること。
(ii) the foreign national has sufficient assets or skills to make an independent living.
3 法務大臣は、前項の規定による許可をすることとしたときは、出入国在留管理庁長官に、当該外国人に対し、その旨を通知させるものとする。この場合において、その通知は、出入国在留管理庁長官が、入国審査官に、当該許可に係る外国人に対し在留カードを交付させることにより行うものとする。
(3) If the Minister of Justice decides to grant the permission provided for in the preceding paragraph, the Minister is to have the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency notify the foreign national to that effect. In that case, this notification is to be made by the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency by having an immigration officer issue a residence card to the foreign national pertaining to the permission.
4 第二項の規定による法務大臣の許可は、前項の規定による在留カードの交付があった時に、その効力を生ずる。
(4) The permission of the Minister of Justice pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) becomes effective when the residence card under the provisions of the preceding paragraph has been issued.
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法律第六十三号 改正)版で条文再確認

(Acquisition of Status of Residence)
第二十二条の二 日本の国籍を離脱した者又は出生その他の事由により前章に規定する上陸の手続を経ることなく本邦に在留することとなる外国人は、第二条の二第一項の規定にかかわらず、それぞれ日本の国籍を離脱した日又は出生その他当該事由が生じた日から六十日を限り、引き続き在留資格を有することなく本邦に在留することができる。
Article 22-2 (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 2-2, paragraph (1), a person who has renounced Japanese nationality, or a foreign national who is to stay in Japan without following the procedures for landing provided in the preceding Chapter, through birth or for any other grounds, may continue to stay in Japan without acquiring a status of residence for a period not exceeding 60 days from the date of their renouncement of Japanese nationality, birth, or the day other grounds arose.
2 前項に規定する外国人で同項の期間をこえて本邦に在留しようとするものは、日本の国籍を離脱した日又は出生その他当該事由が生じた日から三十日以内に、法務省令で定めるところにより、法務大臣に対し在留資格の取得を申請しなければならない。
(2) A foreign national prescribed by the preceding paragraph who seeks to stay in Japan beyond the period set forth in the same paragraph must file an application with the Minister of Justice for the acquisition of a status of residence within 30 days from the date of their renouncement of Japanese nationality, birth, or the day other grounds arose, pursuant to Ministry of Justice Order.
3 第二十条第三項本文、第四項及び第五項の規定は、前項に規定する在留資格の取得の申請(永住者の在留資格の取得の申請を除く。)の手続について準用する。この場合において、同条第三項本文中「在留資格の変更」とあるのは、「在留資格の取得」と読み替えるものとする。
(3) The provisions of the main clause of Article 20, paragraph (3), paragraph (4) and paragraph (5) apply mutatis mutandis to the procedures for filing an application to acquire a status of residence prescribed in the preceding paragraph (except for an application to acquire the status of residence of permanent resident). In this case, "change of a status of residence" in the main clause of paragraph (3) of the same Article is deemed to be replaced with "acquisition of a status of residence."
4 前条の規定は、第二項に規定する在留資格の取得の申請中永住者の在留資格の取得の申請の手続に準用する。この場合において、同条第一項中「変更しよう」とあるのは「取得しよう」と、「在留資格への変更」とあるのは「在留資格の取得」と読み替えるものとする。
(4) The provisions of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the procedures for an application to acquire the status of residence of permanent resident, out of the applications to acquire the status of residence as prescribed in paragraph (2). In this case, "seeks to change" is deemed to be replaced with "seeks to acquire"; and "change their status of residence to that," is deemed to be replaced with "acquire their status of residence," in paragraph (1) of the same Article.
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法律第六十三号 改正)版で条文再確認

出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則 Regulation for Enforcement of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act

(Permission for Permanent Residence)
第二十二条 法第二十二条第一項の規定により永住許可を申請しようとする外国人は、別記第三十四号様式による申請書一通、写真一葉並びに次の各号に掲げる書類及びその他参考となるべき資料各一通を提出しなければならない。ただし、法第二十二条第二項ただし書に規定する者にあつては第一号及び第二号に掲げる書類を、法第六十一条の二第一項の規定により難民の認定を受けている者にあつては第二号に掲げる書類を提出することを要しない。
Article 22 (1) A foreign national who seeks to apply for permission for permanent residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 22, paragraph (1) of the Act must submit a copy of the written proposal pursuant to the Appended Form No. 34, a photograph and a copy of each of the documents listed in the following items, and a copy of each of any other materials to be used as reference; provided, however, that the persons prescribed in the proviso to Article 22, paragraph (2) of the Act is not required to submit the documents listed in items (i) and (ii), and those recognized as refugees pursuant to the provisions of Article 61-2, paragraph (1) of the Act is not required to submit the document listed in item (ii):
一 素行が善良であることを証する書類
(i) document proving that the foreign national's behavior and conduct are good;
二 独立の生計を営むに足りる資産又は技能があることを証する書類
(ii) document proving that the foreign national has sufficient assets or skills to earn an independent living; and
三 本邦に居住する身元保証人の身元保証書
(iii) letter of guarantee by the foreign national's personal guarantor residing in Japan.
2 前項の場合において、前項の申請が十六歳に満たない者に係るものであるときは、写真の提出を要しない。ただし、地方出入国在留管理局長が提出を要するとした場合は、この限りでない。
(2) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the application set forth in the preceding paragraph is an application for a person under 16 years of age, the submission of a photograph is not required; provided however, that this does not apply to cases in which the director of a regional immigration services bureau requires its submission.
3 第二十条第四項の規定は、第一項の申請について準用する。
(3) The provisions of Article 20, paragraph (4) apply mutatis mutandis to the application set forth in paragraph (1).
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法務省令第二十九号 改正)版で条文再確認

(Acquisition of the Status of Residence of "Permanent Resident")
第二十五条 法第二十二条の二第二項(法第二十二条の三において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により在留資格の取得を申請しようとする外国人のうち同条第四項に規定する永住者の在留資格の取得の申請をしようとするものは、別記第三十四号様式による申請書一通、写真一葉、第二十二条第一項及び前条第二項に掲げる書類並びにその他参考となるべき資料各一通を提出しなければならない。この場合においては、第二十二条第一項ただし書の規定を準用する。
Article 25 (1) Among foreign nationals who seek to apply for the acquisition of status of residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 22-2, paragraph (2) of the Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22-3 of the Act), a foreign national who seeks to apply for acquisition of the status of residence of "Permanent Resident" as prescribed in Article 22-2, paragraph (4) of the Act must submit a a copy of the written application pursuant to the Appended Form No. 34, a photograph, the documents listed in Article 22, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, and a copy of each of any other materials to be used as reference. In this case, the provisions of the proviso to Article 22, paragraph (1) are applied mutatis mutandis.
2 前項の場合において、前項の申請が十六歳に満たない者に係るものであるときは、写真の提出を要しない。ただし、地方出入国在留管理局長が提出を要するとした場合は、この限りでない。
(2) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the application set forth in the preceding paragraph is an application for a person under 16 years of age, the submission of a photograph is not required; provided, however, that this does not apply to cases in which the director of the regional immigration services bureau requires its submission.
3 前条第四項の規定は、第一項の申請について準用する。
(3) The provisions of paragraph (4) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to the application set forth in paragraph (1).
日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム(令和元年法務省令第二十九号 改正)版で条文再確認

Specified visa
Spouse or Child of Japanese national 「日本人の配偶者等」
Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident 「永住者の配偶者等」
Long Term Resident 「定住者」
Designated Activities 「特定活動」

Permanent Residency
Permanent Resident 「永住者」
Special Permanent Resident 「特別永住者」

Working visa
Professor 「教授」
Artist 「芸術」
Religious Activities 「宗教」
Journalist 「報道」
Business Manager 「経営・管理」
Legal/Accounting Services 「法律・会計業務」
Medical Services 「医療」
Researcher 「研究」
Instructor 「教育」
Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/
International Services 「技術・人文知識・国際業務」

Intracompany Transferee 「企業内転勤」
Nursing Care 「介護」
Entertainer 「興行」
Skilled Labor 「技能」

Highly skilled professional visa
Highly Skilled Professional 「高度専門職」

General visa
Cultural Activities 「文化活動」
Student 「留学」
Trainee 「研修」
Dependent 「家族滞在」

Visiting visa
Temporary Visitor 「短期滞在」

Diplomatic visa
Diplomat 「外交」

Official visa
Official 「公用」

Japanese VISA "Status of Residence" - Working VISA - Family VISA - Immigration Assistance Gyoseishoshi Tokyo Japan
東京都 足立区 荒川区 板橋区 江戸川区 大田区 葛飾区 北区 江東区 品川区 渋谷区 新宿区 杉並区 墨田区 世田谷区 台東区 中央区 千代田区 豊島区 中野区 練馬区 文京区 港区 目黒区

Apostille 外務省 ビザ・査証 法務省 出入国在留管理庁 総務省 東京都行政書士会 行政書士会連合会