Investor/Business Manager VISA/Immigration Assistance, Tokyo

Family VISA Work VISA VISA Process Status List Inquiry Office blank   Nyukan Assist

TOP > LIST of "Status of Residence" > "Investor/Business Manager"

"Investor/Business Manager"

Note: Due to revision of the law, "Investor/Business Manager" was changed to "Business Manager".

"Investor/Business Manager" or /to-shi-kei-ei/ in Japanese is one of "Status of Residence" defined by Japanese immigration law.

Persons qualified for "Investor/Business Manager"
- company presidents, officers

Spouse and Children
- a spouse of a person who is qualified for "Investor/Business Manager"
- a child of a person who is qualified for "Investor/Business Manager"
will be qualified for the status "Dependent".

List of "Status of Residence"
Table I (1)
Diplomat Official Professor Artist Religious Activities Journalist
Table I (2) Investor/Business Manager Legal/Accounting Services Medical Services Researcher Instructor Engineer Specialist in Humanities/International Services Intracompany Transferee Entertainer Skilled Labor
Table I (3) Cultural Activities Temporary Visitor
Table I (4) Student Pre-college Student Trainee Dependent
Table I (5) Designated Activities
Table II Permanent Resident Spouse or Child of Japanese national Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident Long Term Resident
Special Permanent Resident Special Permanent Resident

Followings are quotations from the immigration law/ordinance of the web site of Japanese government. However some of them were quoted before the revision in 2012. Therefore they might be old and different from the present rule.

Authorized Activities (Appended Table I (2), Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act)
本邦において行うことができる活動(出入国管理及び難民認定法 別表第一 二)

Activities to commence the operation of international trade or other business, to invest in international trade or other business and to operate or manage that business, or to operate or manage international trade or other business on behalf of the aliens (including the foreign juridical persons; hereinafter the same shall apply in this section) who have begun such an operation or have invested in such a business (except for the activities to engage in the operation or management of the business which is not allowed without the legal qualifications listed in the right-hand column of this table's "Legal/Accounting Services" column).


Ministerial Ordinance to Provide for Criteria Pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act

(i) In cases where the applicant intends to commence the operation of international trading or any other business, he/she must fulfill all of the following requirements.
(a) The facilities to be used as the office for the relevant business must be located in Japan.
(b) The business concerned must have the capacity to employ at least 2 full-time employees in Japan (excluding foreign nationals residing in Japan under a status of residence listed in the left-hand column of Appended Table I of the Immigration Control Act) in addition to those who operate and/or manage the business.
(ii) In cases where the applicant intends to invest in international trading or any other business in Japan and to engage in the operation of such business, or in cases where the applicant intends to engage in the management of international trading or any other business on behalf of a foreign national (including a foreign juridical person; hereinafter the same shall apply in this section) who has begun such operations in Japan or who has invested in such a business in Japan, he/she must fulfill all of the following requirements.
(a) The office for the relevant business must be located in Japan.
(b) The business concerned must have the capacity to employ at least 2 full-time employees in Japan (excluding foreign nationals residing in Japan under the status of residence listed in the left-hand column of Appended Table I of the Immigration Control Act) in addition to those who operate and/or manage the business.
(iii) In cases where the applicant is to engage in the management of international trading or any other business in Japan, he/she must have at least 3 years' experience in business operation and/or management (this includes any period he/she has spent studying business operation and/or management at the postgraduate level) and must receive no less remuneration than would a Japanese national for comparable work.

一 申請人が本邦において貿易その他の事業の経営を開始しようとする場合は、次のいずれにも該当していること。
 イ 当該事業を営むための事業所として使用する施設が本邦に確保されていること。
 ロ 当該事業がその経営又は管理に従事する者以外に二人以上の本邦に居住する者(法別表第一の上欄の在留資格をもって在留する者を除く。)で常勤の職員が従事して営まれる規模のものであること。
二 申請人が本邦における貿易その他の事業に投資してその経営を行い若しくは当該事業の管理に従事し又は本邦においてこれらの事業の経営を開始した外国人(外国法人を含む。以下この項において同じ。)若しくは本邦における貿易その他の事業に投資している外国人に代わってその経営を行い若しくは当該事業の管理に従事しようとする場合は、次のいずれにも該当していること。
 イ 当該事業を営むための事業所が本邦に存在すること。
 ロ 当該事業がその経営又は管理に従事する者以外に二人以上の本邦に居住する者(法別表第一の上欄の在留資格をもって在留する者を除く。)で常勤の職員が従事して営まれる規模のものであること。
三 申請人が本邦における貿易その他の事業の管理に従事しようとする場合は、事業の経営又は管理について三年以上の経験(大学院において経営又は管理に係る科目を専攻した期間を含む。)を有し、かつ、日本人が従事する場合に受ける報酬と同等額以上の報酬を受けること。



Period of Stay (Appended Table II)
在留期間(出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則 別表第二)

3 or 1 year.


Materials (Appended Table III)
資料(出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則 別表第三)

(i) In the case where the alien intends to commence the operation of international trade or other business or to invest in international trade or other business and to operate that business:
a. Business plan, a certificate of matters entered in the registry of the company or juridical person and a copy of the profit and loss statement.
b. Material certifying the total number of full-time employees except for the alien and, where the number is two, a document relating to the payment of wages to them and copies of their residential certificates or alien registration certificates.
c. Material certifying the outline of the business office.
d. Material certifying the amount of investment made by the alien.

(ii) In the case where the alien intends to operate international trade or other business on behalf of the aliens who have begun such an operation or have invested in such a business:
a. Business plan, a certificate of matters entered in the registry of the company or juridical person and a copy of the profit and loss statement.
b. Material certifying the total number of full-time employees except for the alien and, where the number is two, a document relating to the payment of wages to them and copies of their residential certificates or alien registration certificates.
c. Material certifying the outline of the business office.
d. Document certifying the contents and period of the activities and the alien's position and reward.

(iii) In the case where the alien intends to manage international trade or other business commenced or invested in Japan or to manage international trade or other business on behalf of the aliens who have begun such an operation or have invested in such a business:
a. Business plan, a certificate of matters entered in the registry of the company or juridical person and a copy of the profit and loss statement.
b. Material certifying the total number of full-time employees except for the alien and, where the number is two, a document relating to the payment of wages to them and copies of their residential certificates or alien registration certificates.
c. Material certifying the outline of the business office.
d. Document certifying the alien's career and a certificate pertaining to the period during which the alien majored in operation or management in a graduate school.
e. Document certifying the contents and period of the activities and the alien's position and reward.

一 貿易その他の事業の経営を開始し、又はこれらの事業に投資してその経営を行おうとする場合
 イ 事業計画書、会社又は法人の登記事項証明書及び損益計算書の写し
 ロ 当該外国人を除く常勤の職員の総数を明らかにする資料、並びに、その数が二人である場合には、当該二人の職員に係る賃金支払に関する文書及び住民票又は外国人登録証明書の写し
 ハ 事業所の概要を明らかにする資料
 ニ 当該外国人の投資額を明らかにする資料
二 貿易その他の事業の経営を開始し、又はこれらの事業に投資している外国人に代わつてその経営を行おうとする場合
 イ 事業計画書、会社又は法人の登記事項証明書及び損益計算書の写し
 ロ 当該外国人を除く常勤の職員の総数を明らかにする資料、並びに、その数が二人である場合には、当該二人の職員に係る賃金支払に関する文書及び住民票又は外国人登録証明書の写し
 ハ 事業所の概要を明らかにする資料
 ニ 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書
三 本邦において開始され、若しくは投資された貿易その他の事業の管理に従事し、又は貿易その他の事業の経営を開始し、若しくはこれらの事業に投資している外国人に代わつてその管理に従事しようとする場合
 イ 事業計画書、会社又は法人の登記事項証明書及び損益計算書の写し
 ロ 当該外国人を除く常勤の職員の総数を明らかにする資料、並びに、その数が二人である場合には、当該二人の職員に係る賃金支払に関する文書及び住民票又は外国人登録証明書の写し
 ハ 事業所の概要を明らかにする資料
 ニ 職歴を証する文書及び大学院において経営又は管理を専攻した期間に係る証明書
 ホ 活動の内容、期間、地位及び報酬を証する文書

Materials (Appended Table III (2))
資料(出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則 別表第三の二)

(i) Profit and loss statement of the business invested, operated or managed.
(ii) Material certifying the total number of full-time employees except for the alien and, where the number is two, a document relating to the payment of wages to them and copies of their residential certificates or alien registration certificates.
(iii) Document certifying the contents and period of the activities and the alien's position.
(iv) Certificate of the alien's annual income and amount of tax paid.

一 活動の内容、期間及び地位を証する文書
二 年間の収入及び納税額に関する証明書

Agent (Appended Table IV)
代理人(出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則 別表第四)

Employee of the office in Japan of the business whose operation or management the alien is to engage in.


Working visa
Professor 「教授」
Artist 「芸術」
Religious Activities 「宗教」
Journalist 「報道」
Investor/Business Manager 「投資・経営」
Legal/Accounting Services 「法律・会計業務」
Medical Services 「医療」
Researcher 「研究」
Instructor 「教育」
Engineer 「技術」
Specialist in Humanities/International Services 「人文知識・国際業務」
Intracompany Transferee 「企業内転勤」
Entertainer 「興行」
Skilled Labor 「技能」

General visa
Cultural Activities 「文化活動」
Student 「留学」
Pre-College Student 「就学」
Trainee 「研修」
Dependent 「家族滞在」

Specified visa
Spouse or Child of Japanese national 「日本人の配偶者等」
Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident 「永住者の配偶者等」
Long Term Resident 「定住者」
Designated Activities 「特定活動」

Permanent Residency
Permanent Resident 「永住者」
Special Permanent Resident 「特別永住者」

Visiting visa
Temporary Visitor 「短期滞在」

Diplomatic visa
Diplomat 「外交」

Official visa
Official 「公用」

Japanese VISA "Status of Residence" - Working VISA - Family VISA - Immigration Assistance Gyoseishoshi Tokyo Japan
東京都 足立区 荒川区 板橋区 江戸川区 大田区 葛飾区 北区 江東区 品川区 渋谷区 新宿区 杉並区 墨田区 世田谷区 台東区 中央区 千代田区 豊島区 中野区 練馬区 文京区 港区 目黒区

Apostille 外務省 ビザ・査証 法務省 出入国在留管理庁 総務省 東京都行政書士会 行政書士会連合会